Monday, December 27, 2010

Apparently, this hasn't been a priority

But, I am still here, and I am still trucking away. I just weighed myself this morning, and I am at 211.1. This is as low as I've gotten. I had been right aroung the same 5lbs for about 3 months, but I have finally gotten below it. Somehow, I was able to do it the week of Christmas, too!

Okay, stats time: I have now lost 64.9 lbs and 23.5% of my total body weight from the most I've ever weighed.

I have been slacking in the Weight Watchers department. They went and changed up their whole point system, so it has been hard to keep track of. Before, I knew a ton of point values and I could easily keep up with them in my head. Now, I have no clue how many points some food will be. Luckily, there is the iPhone app, which can help a ton.

I joined the gym that has childcare, so I am able to work out during the day. I try to go at least 3 times a week, and I alternate between running and weight training. For my runs, one day, I will run a mile as fast as I can, and the next time I will run a 5k, but slower (and with walk breaks.)

I still have a goal of finishing a 5k, and I hope that I am ready for it some time within the next couple of months.

So, there you go. I am still trucking away. I am still working at losing weight. Hell, I will probably be heading to the gym soon for the day.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Starting Over

I have really been slacking for the past few weeks. Starting today, I am getting back on track. I will start to track my points again. I will start to work out again. I can't let myself stop after all of my hard work.

Today, I will count my points. Today, I will work out. I will check back in after I weight myself this morning.

**Wow - just weighed myself and I still lost a little bit the week. Down to 228.5 lbs. That means 2 1/2 more pounds to 50 pounds gone.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

So, it's been awhile...

I know that I haven't been keepin up with the blog, and for that I appologize. I think that I have a bit of a plateau when it comes to the weight loss. As of this week, I was at 229.9 pounds. It's not really that I have hit that big of a plateau, but more of the fact that I have been slacking.

I have just wanted to eat lately. I've wanted to eat the candy that is in the house. I havn't wanted to work out. I don't know if it is because I have been stressing about school, or if I can blame in on my time of the month, but it is what it is.

I haven't been super bad about things. I am still trying to eat better than I used to. I suppose I have just been apathetic about it all.

But, I will try harder. I will try to not eat the crap and I will try to make the healthy choices. I am so close to hitting the 50 pound mark, and I will do it. I will make it to 50 pounds gone, and I will make it under 200 pounds.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sorry it's been awhile

So, life has been busy, hectic, and sad. Because of this, I haven't given an update in awhile.

I weighed in yesterday, and I was at 235.5! I was already super excited about that, and then when I weighed myself today, I was at 233.5!! I have been working out with the More Wii Active, and there is a fast step aerobic session that is awesome! I normally burn well over 400 calories each time I complete it. I earn 6 activity points every time, too!

So, tonight I am having chinese food with my parents. Saturday, we are celebrating Josh's birthday, so I'm sure that I won't be all that good about eating. I better make sure I work out a lot this week, so I can keep within my points!

My totals so far are:

from my heaviest: I've lost 42.2 pounds / 15.4% or my body weight
from the time I started WW: I've lost 24.5 pounds / 9.5% of my body weight

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

This was going to be a sad face post, but...

So, I wasn't very good this past week. I only wored out twice, I think, and this past weekend, I didn't eat all that well. So, when I weighed myself on Monday, and I had gained a pound, I wasn't all that surprised.

Flash forward to today: I needed to work out, and I needed to weigh myself. I get on the scale expecting to be about the same, but instead, I was down to 238 1/2! Woot!! That means that I am almost to 20 pounds gone!

It feels good. I am proud of myself, and I know that I will continue on.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It's actually working!

So, I weighed in yesterday and I was slightly under 240! That means that I have lost 18 pounds since starting WW and 36 pounds total!!!

I am doing this. I will do this. I can do this!

Monday, February 22, 2010


So, I didn't think that today's weight in would be good. I didn't really count points from Firday evening until Sunday. I watched what I ate, but I wasn't all that careful. I had a few drinks.

Well, I was wrong. I am down to 241.5. That's a total of 34.5 pounds from my heaviest and 16.5 pounds since I started Weight Watchers. My next goal is to get under 240. I haven't been under 240 since before I got pregnant with Sophia, and that was about 5 years ago.