Monday, February 22, 2010


So, I didn't think that today's weight in would be good. I didn't really count points from Firday evening until Sunday. I watched what I ate, but I wasn't all that careful. I had a few drinks.

Well, I was wrong. I am down to 241.5. That's a total of 34.5 pounds from my heaviest and 16.5 pounds since I started Weight Watchers. My next goal is to get under 240. I haven't been under 240 since before I got pregnant with Sophia, and that was about 5 years ago.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Woot! First Milestone!

When I weighed in this morning, I was at 243.5 lbs. This means that I have lost a 5% of my body weight since I started weight watchers. It also means that I am now down a total of 32.5 lbs from my heaviest weight. My first doctor's appointment when I was pregnat with Andrew, I weighed 276 pounds. Holy Shit, that's almost 300 pounds!

So, here I am. I weight 243 1/2 pounds. I am so damned determined to get under 200 pounds, and I will.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Another Week

So, I really didn't expect to lose anything this week. We went out this weekend, and there was much alcohol consumed. Also, I didn't really count my points on Saturday or Sunday. I was still conscious of what went into my mouth, but I wasn't as diligent as I usually am.

Well, apparently I still did a good job. I lost another pound this week. That puts me at 12 pounds since I started back with the workout and Weight Watchers. This is going to be a slow journey, but one that will be worth it in the end. I am already feeling better about myself and I can tell that my clothes are fitting me differently. It's a pretty good feeling!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Monday's Weigh-in

Let's see... I was a little disappointed because I only lost 1/2 a pound this week. You would think that with doing Weight Watchers and working out that it would be more, but alas, a woman's body is a strange, strange creature.

As of Monday, I completed the 30 Day Challenge on the Wii Active. I am really proud of myself for it, too. I have been contemplating on what to do next. I can either start up the 30 Day Challenge again in the same intensity or the higher intensity, or I can just make my own work-outs. I think for today, I will create my own workout, and then we will see from there.

I am currently down 11 pounds since I started back up on the weight-loss thing, and I am down 28 pounds from my highest non-pregnant (or pregnant for that matter) weight. It's going to be a slow process, but one that I am determined to do. When I lose 2 more pounds, I will have lost 5% of what I weighed when I started WW. That's my first goal.