Friday, October 2, 2009

A journey begins (hopefully)

So, I have made a decision that I need to loose weight. I have made that decision before. I have tried before. I have lost weight before. I have failed miserably before. In the end, not of that matters. What matters is that I need to do this now. There are several reasons for this. So, here they are:
1) I have 2 wonderful kids. I want to be healthy for them. I want to want to play with them. I don't want them to learn a sedentary life from me. I want to be around long enough to see their children. For this, I need to be healthy.
2) I have absolutely no self esteem. I realized that there are VERY few pictures of me with my family. This is because I don't like how I look. I don't want to see pictures of myself. It's not fair to them and it's not fair to me.
3) I want my clothes to fit. AND I want to like how they fit.

I'm sure that there are more reasons, but I don't want to get into them.

So, I have a plan. Part of that plan is this blog. I somehow think that if I write about it, I will be less likely to fail. Also, I bought Wii Active. I figure I can find 45 minutes a day while Andrew is napping when I can work out. I am going to eat well. When I say this, I don't mean that I'm going to stop eating. I don't even mean that I'm going to stop eating things that I like. I just mean that I am going to try and do it all in moderation. I am still going to Whataburger on Saturdays before skating lessons. I am still going out to eat on Sundays with Josh, Sophia, Andrew, Monica, Blane, Jennifer, and Justin. I am going to try and make better choices . We will see where it goes from here.

There it is. Either I will fail miserably or I will succeed. Only time will tell.

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